
June 12, 2024

Securing Brand Trust When Building With AI - A Guide to Real-time Chat Monitoring, Moderation, and Reputation Risk Prevention

A cute robot with chat boxes
Original image by Mariia Shalaaieva

In today's interconnected world where information spreads rapidly, a brand's reputation can be built or shattered within moments. Customers now demand transparency, authenticity, and responsiveness from the brands they interact with. A solid foundation of brand trust cultivates loyal customers and attracts new ones through word-of-mouth recommendations and positive online reviews. 

Reputation risk refers to the potential for harmful incidents or perceptions to impact a Brand's image in the eyes of its stakeholders, including customers, investors, and partners. These risks can stem from various sources, including customer interactions, social media, and online reviews. Reputation risks have tangible consequences, affecting customer retention rates, investor confidence, and overall business performance.

Customers want to spend less and less time and therefore expect to be able to reach a company anytime and anywhere, regardless of time, location, and channel [2]. An instrument to respond to digitization and customer experience is the use of chatbots [6]. Customer expectations are increasing every day, and with the appearance of new technologies, they expect more up-to-date customer service, including fast and reliable shopping experiences, a personal approach to each client, quick resolution of complaints, and much more.

With the proliferation of real-time communication channels such as chat platforms, businesses have gained unprecedented opportunities to engage with customers promptly and personally. However, this shift has also brought forth new challenges, as conversations can escalate rapidly, potentially resulting in reputation-damaging situations. These potential risk scenarios have necessitated businesses to monitor the conversations and social media channels in real-time to swiftly identify and address any content that may tarnish their brand image or offend others.

As businesses navigate this landscape, adopting a proactive stance toward reputation risk prevention is imperative. Real-time chat monitoring and moderation are essential tools in this endeavor, allowing organizations to detect and mitigate potential risks before they escalate into more significant issues. This article aims to provides an overview of our in-depth approach here at Commotion, and how we are safeguarding against risk and ensuring our AI-driven chat experiences are best-in-class.

Reputation Risk in Chat Interactions

In the fast-paced digital landscape, businesses increasingly rely on chat interactions to engage with customers in real time. While these interactions offer convenience and efficiency, they also have inherent reputation risks that can impact a brand's image and credibility. Understanding and identifying these risks is essential for businesses to manage their online reputation and ensure positive customer experiences proactively.

Inaccurate Information and Responses

Providing incorrect or misleading information about a product, service, or policy to customers can lead to customer frustration, dissatisfaction, and even financial loss if customers make decisions based on that information. AI-powered chatbots sometimes produce unexpected or nonsensical responses, making customers question the reliability and competence of the brand. Such incidents can result in customers sharing their negative experiences, damaging the brand's reputation.

Offensive or Insensitive Content

In social media and chat interactions, using offensive language, hate speech, or culturally insensitive content can spread rapidly and damage a brand's reputation. Whether from customers themselves or inadvertently generated by chatbots, such content can alienate users, garner negative attention, and lead to public backlash.

Privacy and Data Security Concerns

Chat interactions often involve exchanging sensitive information, such as personal details, payment information, or account credentials. If this data is mishandled, leaked, or compromised due to security vulnerabilities, it can result in severe reputational damage and legal consequences. Consumers are increasingly concerned about data privacy, and any breach of trust can erode brand credibility.

Misinterpretation of Context

Understanding the context of a conversation is crucial for providing relevant and accurate responses. Misinterpretations due to linguistic nuances, humor, or idiomatic expressions can lead to inappropriate or irrelevant answers. It can frustrate customers, create confusion, and lead to potential escalations on social media by the customers tarnishing the brand's image.

Technical Glitches and Downtime

Frequent interruptions of chat interactions due to technical reasons like unscheduled downtimes, non-availability of AI engines, inability to handover to human agents for escalations, etc., can lead to angry customers, and this irritation may extend beyond the conversation on how the customers perceive the brand on the whole.

A Framework for Reputational Risk Management

Brand reputation and image are paramount to gaining customer loyalty and customer retention, and to safeguard the brand's image, a comprehensive framework encompassing various strategies and techniques for mitigating risks arising from chatbots is essential. The framework should serve as a proactive approach to ensuring that chat interactions remain respectful, accurate, and aligned with the brand's values and voice. Here is a model framework to adopt for maximizing the benefits of chatbots while reducing the reputational risk. 

Content Moderation

Content moderation forms the foundation of reputation risk prevention. By employing AI-driven techniques and human oversight, brands can ensure that the chat conversations' content remains appropriate and respectful. Implementing profanity filters and sentiment analysis helps identify and manage potentially harmful content. 

Contextual Understanding

AI's understanding of context and intent is a game-changer in reputation risk prevention. LLM Models allow chatbots to grasp the nuances of conversations, leading to more relevant and accurate responses. By comprehending context, chatbots can avoid misunderstandings and tailor their interactions to individual user needs. While AI can handle a wide range of queries, there will always be complex or emotionally charged cases that require a human touch. Establishing a seamless transition from chatbots to human agents ensures that critical interactions receive the attention and empathy they deserve. 

Safety Rails 

AI's ability to respond accurately to customer queries depends on building sufficient safeguards against chatbot hallucinations and ensuring access to accurate and updated information. To ensure the same, it is pertinent to define the confines of the chatbot and implement real-time monitoring to ensure the chatbot does not suggest competitive brands, age-inappropriate content, or share PII over the chat.

Trustworthy Generative AI

Trustworthy generative AI refers to generating content by AI systems reliably and responsibly. Trustworthiness in the case of chatbots pertains to the AI's ability to produce accurate, relevant, and ethical content while minimizing the potential for biased, harmful, or misleading outputs. Trustworthy generative AI systems often incorporate human oversight, learn from user interactions, and adapt to emerging risks, contributing to reliable and responsible content generation in various applications.

Further, transparency is crucial for maintaining brand trust. Communicating to users when interacting with a chatbot versus a human agent prevents confusion or misconception and helps build user trust in the brand.

Chat Monitoring and Moderation

Chatbot monitoring and moderation form the backbone of effective reputation risk prevention and customer engagement strategies. Moderation ensures that content generated by chatbots aligns with brand values, legal standards, and user expectations. Through automated content filters, sentiment analysis, and keyword recognition, potentially harmful or inappropriate content is flagged for review, preventing the dissemination of offensive or inaccurate information. Simultaneously, continuous monitoring tracks user interactions, allowing businesses to swiftly identify and address emerging issues, ensuring that chatbot responses remain accurate, respectful, and compliant.

Brands can deploy content moderation techniques to assign a confidence score to the text and the graphics received by the chatbots and also train the chatbots to refuse responses to such texts or escalate based on the confidence score. Human agents review flagged content, make context-sensitive decisions, and can appropriately respond to queries while also providing real-time adjustments to AI algorithms, enhancing content quality and mitigating reputation risks. This approach safeguards brand image and fosters a safe, respectful, and valuable environment for users, reinforcing the brand's commitment to responsible engagement and bolstering customer trust in the digital age.

Current AI tools allow users to identify the following harmful categories:

Toxic: Content that is rude, disrespectful, or unreasonable.

Derogatory: Negative or harmful comments targeting identity and/or protected attributes.

Violent: Describes scenarios depicting violence against an individual or group, or general descriptions of gore.

Sexual: Contains references to sexual acts or other lewd content.

Insult: Insulting, inflammatory, or negative comment towards a person or a group of people.

Profanity: Obscene or vulgar language such as cursing.

Death, Harm & Tragedy: Human deaths, tragedies, accidents, disasters, and self-harm.

Firearms & Weapons: Content that mentions knives, guns, personal weapons, and accessories such as ammunition, holsters, etc.

Public Safety: Services and organizations that provide relief and ensure public safety.

Health: Human health, including: Health conditions, diseases, and disorders Medical therapies, medication, vaccination, medical practices, and resources for healing, including support groups.

Religion & Belief: Belief systems that deal with the possibility of supernatural laws and beings; religion, faith, belief, spiritual practice, churches, and places of worship. Includes astrology and the occult.

Illicit Drugs: Recreational and illicit drugs; drug paraphernalia and cultivation, headshops, etc. Includes medicinal use of drugs typically used recreationally (e.g. marijuana).

War & Conflict: War, military conflicts, and major physical conflicts involving large numbers of people. Includes discussion of military services, even if not directly related to a war or conflict.

Finance: Consumer and business financial services, such as banking, loans, credit, investing, and insurance.

Politics: Political news and media; discussions of social, governmental, and public policy.

Legal: Law-related content, including law firms, legal information, primary legal materials, paralegal services, legal publications and technology, expert witnesses, litigation consultants, and other legal service providers.

Contextual Understanding and Escalation Flows

The Significance of Context Understanding

Context understanding is the ability of chatbots and AI systems to grasp the nuances of a conversation. It goes beyond the literal interpretation of words to comprehend the interaction's underlying intent, emotional tone, and broader context. A lack of context understanding can result in inappropriate responses, factual inaccuracies, or insensitive content. In the realm of reputation risk, these missteps can quickly escalate into negative customer experiences, public backlash, and a damaged brand image.

Consider a scenario where a customer expresses frustration over a product issue, seeking a resolution. Without context understanding, a chatbot might provide a generic response that fails to acknowledge the customer's emotions or address the specific problem. This can exacerbate the customer's frustration, leading to dissatisfaction and potentially negative feedback. In contrast, an AI system equipped with context understanding would recognize the customer's emotional state, empathetically acknowledge their concern, and provide relevant assistance, diffusing a potentially harmful situation.

The Role of Escalation Flows

While AI-powered chatbots excel at handling routine inquiries and providing quick responses, there are instances where human judgment and empathy are irreplaceable. This is where escalation flows, designed to seamlessly transition conversations from AI to human agents, play a pivotal role. Escalation flows provide an escape mechanism when AI encounters scenarios beyond its capabilities, preventing reputation risks from escalating further.

Various factors, such as complexity, keywords, emotional content, or the user's explicit request, can trigger escalation flows. These flows ensure that when a conversation enters a realm that requires nuanced understanding, emotional intelligence, or specialized expertise, it is handed over to a human agent who can effectively navigate the situation.

By seamlessly escalating the conversation to a human agent at the right moment, businesses can prevent the escalation of reputation risks, demonstrate genuine concern, and work towards a resolution that rebuilds trust.

Safety Rails

Ensuring the integrity of chatbot interactions is paramount for safeguarding an e-commerce company's brand reputation. Beyond the prevention of hallucinations, such as quoting competition or suggesting inappropriate content, there are additional critical scenarios to consider. For instance, misrepresenting product features, pricing, or availability can lead to customer disappointment and a perception of dishonesty, eroding brand trust. Similarly, mishandling sensitive information, like personal or payment data, could result in data breaches and a tarnished reputation due to data privacy and security concerns. These scenarios underscore the need for robust mechanisms that guarantee accurate, ethical, and context-aware responses to uphold the brand's credibility, customer loyalty, and overall reputation. A framework for ecommerce companies to build safeguards should encompass.

Avoiding Product Availability, Features, and Pricing Inaccuracies: Preventing the chatbot from providing inaccurate information about product availability, pricing, or promotions, as incorrect stock availability at a specific price when it's not, may lead to customer disappointment and interruption in the buying journey. Chatbots that generate inaccurate or exaggerated product descriptions can mislead customers about a product's features, benefits, or quality, resulting in dissatisfaction and negative reviews.

Informed Recommendations & Customer Query Responses: Enabling the chatbot to factor in the user preferences and previous purchases to ensure the recommendations aligned with the customer's interests or needs. This allows customers to appreciate that the company understands their preferences. Also, the chatbot should be able to accurately respond to the updates sought by customers on their profile, orders, shipments, and membership benefits.

Sensitive Data Mishandling: It is pertinent for chatbots to transparently disclose the data being handled and provide accurate responses to the customer on data privacy while ensuring that no PII data is shared over the chat and due procedures for authentication are followed before sharing any information. 

Avoiding Promotion and Discount Confusion: If a chatbot provides incorrect information about ongoing promotions, discounts, or coupon codes, customers may feel deceived or cheated when the terms don't match the chatbot's description. This could lead to negative customer experiences, abandoned shopping carts, and disgruntled customers who might perceive the company as intentionally misleading.

Appreciating Cultural Sensitivity: Chatbots that lack proper cultural sensitivity training may inadvertently produce offensive or insensitive content to specific cultural or demographic groups. This can result in public backlash, negative social media attention, and accusations of cultural insensitivity, harming the brand's reputation as a responsible and inclusive company.

Respecting Customer Preferences & Feedback: A proactive chatbot that repeatedly ignores customer preferences, such as communication channels or frequency of messages, can create annoyance and frustration.

Trustworthy Generative AI 

Trustworthy generative AI refers to AI systems that reliably generate content while prioritizing accuracy, ethics, and responsible behavior. Such AI systems produce accurate and relevant content aligned with user intent, considering ethical considerations and mitigating biases. They are transparent about their processes, ensure user data privacy, and offer consistent and contextually appropriate outputs.

Transparency is crucial for maintaining brand trust. Communicating to users when interacting with a chatbot versus a human agent prevents confusion or misconception. Users appreciate honesty and are more forgiving if they understand the role of the technology they are engaging with.

  • Ethical Considerations: Trustworthy generative AI takes into account ethical considerations when generating content. It avoids producing content that may be offensive, inappropriate, or harmful to individuals or groups.
  • Bias Mitigation: A trustworthy AI system actively mitigates biases in its outputs. It aims to generate fair and unbiased content, avoiding perpetuating stereotypes or discrimination.
  • Transparency: Trustworthy generative AI is transparent about its capabilities and limitations. It informs users about how it generates content and the sources it draws from.
  • User Intent Understanding: The AI understands user intent and context, ensuring the generated content is relevant and aligned with what the user is seeking.
  • Data Privacy: Trustworthy AI systems prioritize data privacy, ensuring user data is handled securely and not misused.
  • Consistency: The AI system produces consistent content that adheres to a particular style or tone, enhancing user experience and brand identity.
  • Continuous Learning and Improvement: Trustworthy AI systems continuously learn from user interactions and feedback to improve their content generation over time.
  • Adaptation to Emerging Risks: These AI systems are designed to adapt to new challenges and risks that may arise in content generation, such as identifying and avoiding misinformation or responding to novel situations.

Privacy & Data Security

In a digital landscape where user data is both valuable and vulnerable, a brand's unwavering commitment to data privacy and security should serve as a cornerstone to all the interactions across the channels, and the brand should take comprehensive measures to honor the trust reposed by its customers by safeguarding their data at every step. By prioritizing secure data storage, training chatbots to handle sensitive information responsibly, and adhering to regulatory standards, brands can provide their customers with a safe and trustworthy chat experience.

Ensuring Data Privacy and Security: Safeguarding User Information in Chat Interactions

In the era of real-time chat interactions and AI-driven solutions, safeguarding user information is a legal obligation and a foundational element of building trust and maintaining a brand reputation. The chatbots must ensure user data's privacy, security, and responsible handling throughout chat interactions.

Secure Data Storage and Transmission:

The security of user data begins with its storage and transmission, and accordingly, the systems must deploy robust encryption techniques to safeguard data at rest and in transit. This ensures that even if unauthorized access occurs, the data remains indecipherable and unusable to malicious actors. All sensitive information, such as personally identifiable information (PII) and payment card information (PCI), must remain protected from potential threats.

PII and PCI Recognition and Protection:

Chatbots should be extensively trained to recognize and handle sensitive information, including PII and PCI, and prevent inadvertent disclosure of such data during conversations. 

Safe Retrieval and Sharing of User Data:

When the chatbot retrieves user data from databases, such as order history and shipping details, stringent safety procedures and authentication techniques should be employed to ensure that only authorized personnel, such as the user, can access and share this data.

Adherence to Regulatory Standards:

Adherence to data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) requires the companies having access to the user data to seek user content for data storage and provide the right to data erasure.

Constant Monitoring and Improvement:

Data Security is a continuous process of vigilance and improvement. It requires regular monitoring of our systems, conducting security audits, and implementing enhancements to stay ahead of emerging threats and challenges. Our proactive approach ensures that our data privacy and security measures remain robust and effective, providing users with the peace of mind they deserve.

Balancing Automation and Human Interaction

To deliver exceptional customer experiences and mitigate reputation risks, finding the proper equilibrium between automation and human interaction is paramount. Automation, driven by cutting-edge AI technology, offers efficiency, speed, and consistency in handling routine queries and tasks. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that aspects of customer interactions demand the nuanced understanding, empathy, and critical thinking that only human agents can provide. There is a need to balance automation and human interaction, which revolves around a hybrid model that optimizes efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. Here's how it works:

Automated Efficiency: Automation takes the lead in handling routine inquiries, recommending products and styles, informing users of ongoing deals and promotions and clarifying frequently asked questions, and basic troubleshooting. This ensures swift responses and frees human agents to focus on more complex interactions requiring emotional intelligence and in-depth understanding.

Escalations: The chatbots should have advanced natural language processing (NLP) capabilities to understand context, intent, and sentiment. The contextual understanding clubbed with keywords analysis empowers the escalation workflows to efficiently escalate and smoothly transition the conversation to a human agent before the sentiment deteriorates further. Human Agents should be able to view the entire conversation history to understand the conversation flow and respond to the customers adequately and minimize the risk of repetition. Human agents can then provide empathetic support, genuine engagement, and tailored solutions that build trust and enhance customer experience.

Iterative Learning and Enhancement: It should be an iterative process of continuous learning and enhancement, and as chatbots interact with users and human agents handle diverse scenarios, the models should get refined with updates to the training data.

Commotion's Comprehensive Approach to Risk Management

In today's dynamic digital landscape, where brand reputation can be made or broken in an instant, the role of chatbots goes beyond mere automation. They stand as powerful tools for shaping customer experiences, influencing brand perception, and mitigating reputation risks. As the custodians of innovative chatbot solutions, we have explored many facets within this white paper, presenting a comprehensive strategy that positions our chatbots to excel in reputation risk mitigation.

At the heart of our approach lies a commitment to accuracy, transparency, and responsible engagement. The synergy between AI-driven automation and human interaction forms the backbone of our reputation risk prevention strategy. We understand that while chatbots excel in efficiency, they must be harnessed to ensure the context is understood, emotions are acknowledged, and content is accurate. By incorporating advanced LLM Models, our chatbots adeptly comprehend user intent, steering clear of inappropriate content, misleading recommendations, or inaccuracies that could lead to customer dissatisfaction and tarnished brand image.

The foundation of our solution is rooted in proactive content moderation and real-time monitoring. Leveraging state-of-the-art AI, we employ content filters, sentiment analysis, and keyword recognition to identify and flag potentially harmful or offensive content. By doing so, we prevent disseminating information that could provoke negative sentiment, ensuring brand integrity and upholding user trust. Our human oversight complements automation, providing that flagged content undergoes careful review, enhancing the accuracy of our AI models, and optimizing customer interactions.

One of the cornerstones of reputation risk mitigation in our approach is the ability to prevent chatbot hallucinations—instances where the chatbot generates incorrect or inappropriate content. From refraining from quote competition to avoiding disclosing sensitive personal or payment information, our safety mechanisms are meticulously designed to prevent scenarios that could lead to brand-damaging missteps. By proactively addressing these concerns, we create an environment where user interactions are efficient, respectful, accurate, and aligned with brand values.

A critical dimension of our solution addresses the intricate dance between data privacy, security, and chatbot functionality. We have developed robust mechanisms that ensure user information remains confidential. Encryption protocols secure data at rest and during transmission, safeguarding it from unauthorized access. Our chatbots are trained to recognize and avoid the disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Payment Card Information (PCI), fostering a culture of privacy-aware interactions. In data retrieval from databases, like order history and shipping details, our safety procedures and authentication techniques ensure that sensitive data remains accessible only to authorized personnel, maintaining the integrity of user information and fostering trust.

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